LSAT Weekend Bootcamp at CSI; April 5 and 6

The CSI Legal Studies Institute Presents:

A Law School Admissions Test [LSAT] Weekend-Long Workshop

With Carolyn Nelson of NelsonTestPrep

Saturday, April 5, 10 AM to 4 PM
Sunday, April 6, 10 AM to 4 PM
In Person
Building 2N, Room 219
Cost:  $25.00 (includes lunch both days)
To Reserve a Seat, Email: [email protected]

Carolyn Nelson (J.D, University of Michigan) is the founder and President of Nelson Test Prep, which focuses primarily on providing affordable LSAT instruction to those who traditionally underperform on the LSAT. As an undergraduate, Carolyn majored in Mathematics. She started her LSAT instruction career almost 20 years ago at Princeton Review and has subsequently taught LSAT courses for New York University (NYU) and the Puerto Rican Legal Defense and Education Fund (PRLDEF), both while still practicing as a New Jersey commercial litigator. Carolyn has provided LSAT instruction and consulting services to many New York based Pipeline and PreLaw programs including: The Pre Law Institute at John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Fried Frank Pre-Law Scholars Program; LAWbound; Skadden, Arps Honors Program in Legal Studies and the Ronald H. Brown Summer Law School Prep Program.  Co-sponsor: Student Pre-Law Club.



