Month: December 2022

  • New Course: POL 597, Internships in Law (3 credits), Spring 2023

    NEW COURSE: POL 597 46066: Internships in Law (3 credits)

    Instructor:  Irini Bekhit
    Class Meets, at St. George Campus
    Tuesdays, 4:00 to 5:15, in person
    Thursdays, 4:00 to 5:15, online synchronous.

    Description: This course provides students with knowledge and practical skills needed to function in professional legal settings, and particularly courtroom settings and contexts. Topics to be covered:  I. The Courtroom and Different types of courts and their functions; II. Positions in the Court (employment opportunities for all skill sets); III. Professional Attire/Demeanor and Attitude; IV. Memo writing/Cover Letter/Emails; V. Interview Skills/Zoom and in person/Appearances before the Judge; VI. Legal Research and writing (intro level); VII. Fact patterns and writing techniques; VIII. Student projects on increasing diversity in the court/system.

    If you would like to register for this course you will need a special permission number. Just email Professor Michael Paris, [email protected]

  • New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) on-campus internships at CSI for spring 2023

    From Colin Hall, NYPIRG:

    NYPIRG is recruiting interns for the Spring ‘23 semester. This on campus internship provides students with the opportunity to work on a number of major campaigns. The projects we work on will include a range of organizing opportunities including planning events, working in coalitions, performing outreach and education, and receiving media coverage for the issue. Through these activities, interns will not only learn about the issue area they work on, but they will learn public speaking, time management, persuasive speaking, research, advocacy, and writing skills as well. Consequently, our interns graduate with fuller resumes, endless resources, and great recommendations! Through this internship, students will make a positive impact on their school, as well as in their community.

    Right now we are looking to hire 4-6 Interns to become project leaders/ co-leaders for the following Issues:

    Environmental Protection


    Mass Transit

    Consumer Justice

    Higher Education (Co-lead)

    Hunger & Homelessness (Co-lead)

    If interested, please email Colin Hall at [email protected] and attach a copy of your resume.

  • New Section of GES 212 open on CUNY First Now

    Nerve V. Macaspac

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    Contact Prof. Macaspac: [email protected]

    We have just opened a new section for an online course on digital mapping this spring semester, GEG 212 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS): GEG 212-D002 (57539).

    If you know of any students who might be interested in or who could benefit from learning how to make digital maps, including election maps, maps for social justice or climate justice, or learning about mapping and cartography as methods for social science research, please help share the course information.

    This course is tailored for beginners (no previous mapping knowledge required). Students work on weekly mapping projects engaging in different topics or case studies, including U.S. elections, unhoused communities or homelessness in NYC, the uneven geographies of the global pandemic, redlining, among many others.

    Many students who have completed this intro course have secured paid internships working with professional GIS teams at the NYC Parks and Recreation and Housing and Urban Development (HUD). For questions or more information about the course, please feel free to reach out.

    Digital Mapping – GeospatialCSI
  • Prepping for the LSAT: An Insider’s Look, Dec. 21 [Free Event]

    The LawHub Prelaw Success Live Events series is hosting an exciting virtual event, Prepping for the LSAT: An Insider’s Look,on Wednesday, December 21, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. ET. Your students will not only walk away with a comprehensive overview of the LSAT and LSAT Writing, but they will also examine the format of the test, dive into the different question types and how to approach them, and receive guidance on how to approach test day with confidence. You and your students can find more information and a registration link at the LawHub Prelaw Success Live Events web page.